Sexual health

Sexual health is an important aspect of comprehensive cancer care. Patients can be affected by the physical and psychological effects of the disease and treatment, which can impact their sex lives.
Regardless of cancer, and regardless of the stage of the disease and its treatment, intimate and sexual life can be disrupted. Addressing sexual dysfunction is an integral part of the medical approach to treating an individual and not just a diseased organ.
It is important that patients are informed about the possible effects of the disease and treatment on their sex life, and that resources are available to help them manage these effects.
Sex therapy and medications can be used to help improve the quality of sexual life.
The sexual medicine consultation will help patients find appropriate solutions. The physician will consider the sexual health needs of each patient. Solutions are always possible in order to improve the quality of sexual life and therefore the quality of life in general.

Individual consultations (2) by a doctor specialized in sexology whose fees will be fully covered by the ISIS association.

Patients concerned: men undergoing treatment for PROSTATE, VESSIA, or RECTUM.

Location: 4 rue des Etats Unis, Cannes.